I will lift up my eyes to the hills-
from whence comes my help?
My help comes from the Lord
Who made heaven and earth.
(Psalm 121:1, 2)

Face of Man

Face of Man
Jacqueline du Pre

Saturday, June 7, 2008

“God seemed vaporous as any perfume” – Mary Karr

Facing Altars: Poetry and Prayer by Mary Karr

To confess my unlikely Catholicism in Poetry—a journal founded in part on and for the godless, twentieth-century disillusionaries of J. Alfred Prufrock and his pals—feels like an act of perversion kinkier than any dildo-wielding dominatrix could manage on HBO’s “Real Sex Extra.” I can’t even blame it on my being a cradle Catholic, some brainwashed escapee of the pleated skirt and communion veil who—after a misspent youth and facing an Eleanor Rigby-like dotage—plodded back into the confession booth some rainy Saturday. Read the full article here

1 comment:

Gabe said...

The link somehow does not work. I am providing the web address in case anybody wants to check the article out. If you still have problem, you might want to google for "Mary Karr." then click on the search result heading Poetry. That should take you to this article. It is a pretty interesting essay.


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